
,Hereareafewsimplestepstogetitdone:Step1.OpenaMicrosoftWorddocument,inserttableandentertheallnecessarydatainthefirstcolumn.,,noun.aquantityobtainedbytheadditionofagroupofnumbers·noun.asetcontainingallandonlythemembersoftwoormoregivensets·noun.thewhole ...,nountheaggregateoftwoormorenumbers,magnitudes,quantities,orparticularsasdeterminedbyorasifbythemathematicalprocessofaddition.,,若要在表格中...

How to insert a formula to sum a column or row of a table in ...

Here are a few simple steps to get it done: Step 1. Open a Microsoft Word document, insert table and enter the all necessary data in the first column.


noun. a quantity obtained by the addition of a group of numbers · noun. a set containing all and only the members of two or more given sets · noun. the whole ...

SUM Definition & Meaning

noun the aggregate of two or more numbers, magnitudes, quantities, or particulars as determined by or as if by the mathematical process of addition.


若要在表格中加總一欄或一列的數位,請使用[ 公式] 命令。 您要將計算結果放在哪個表格儲存格,就在那個儲存格按一下。 在[ 版面配置] 索引卷標([ 表格工具] 底下的[) ] ...


內建表格的計算 ; 儲存格上方, = SUM(ABOVE) ; 儲存格下方, = SUM(BELOW) ; 儲存格上方及下方, = SUM ( ABOVE,BELOW) ; 儲存格左方, = SUM(LEFT).


2020年3月8日 — 方式一、使用Word表格中的加總功能 ... Step 1:. 在word中以表格將資料製作完成,紅框處就是今天的主角,要統計總出總金額。 ... Step 2:. 確認游標置於標示 ...